Spider-Man: Animals Assemble! by Mike Maihack is an engaging graphic novel designed for early readers. In this story, Spider-Man takes on a unique role as a pet sitter for the Avengers' super pets while the heroes battle a major threat in New York City. Despite wanting to join the action, Spider-Man discovers that "with great power comes great pet sitting." This lighthearted adventure features popular Avengers like Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther, blending humor and teamwork in a tale that celebrates unexpected heroes.
Title in Armenian | Մայք Մեյհաք - Սարդ Մարդ․ Կենդանիներ, հավաքվեք |
Author(s) | Mike Maihack |
Translator(s) | Narek Markarian |
Illustrator(s) | Mike Maihack |
Language(s) | Armenian |
Publisher(s) | Zangak |
Year | 2024 |
Pages | 96 |
Binding | Hardcover |
Printing | Color |
Size | 12.5 x 22 cm |
ISBN | 9789939991825 |
tags: Մայք Մեյհաք - Սարդ Մարդ․ Կենդանիներ, հավաքվեք, sard mard, kendaniner havaqveq